Doc. Type G.O./Cir./Memo No Dept./Section Date Abstract View
G.O.Ms 247 GA (services welfare) DEPT 02-12-2024 SERVICES WELFARE ? Welfare of Government Employees ? Sanction of expenditure on obsequies of deceased Government Employees ? Enhancement of obsequies charges from Rs.20,000/- to Rs.30,000/- - Orders ? Issued.
Cir.Memo Cir.Memo.No: 705517/161/A1/HRM-III/2020 Fin (HRM-III) Dept. 04-04-2021 Telangana Act No.3 of 2021 ? Enhancing the age of superannuation ? Adoption by other Organizations under Government ? Reg.
G.O.Ms 45 Fin (HRM-III) Dept. 30-03-2021 The Telangana Public Employment (Regulation of Age of Superannuation) (Amendment) Act, 2021 ? commencement ? notification ? Reg.
Cir.Memo Cir.Memo.No.Rc/ENC/F1/2018/1 I&CAD 02-01-2019 Pension -I&CAD Dept.,-Sanction of pensionary benefits to the Charged Officers-Certain instructions-Issued
G.O.Ms 101 Fin (HRM-V) Dept. 21-07-2015 Death Relief - Relief in case of death of pensioners in receipt of service pension ? Raised to a minimum of Rs.20,000/- Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 307 Fin (FR.II) Dept. 03-12-2012 Fundamental Rules ? Amendment to F.R. 54 (5) and FR 54-(B)(7), F.R. 26 (b)(ii) for counting EOL for sanction of notional increments and Pension ? Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 302 Fin (FR.II) Dept. 28-11-2012 Foreign Service Terms and Conditions - Leave Salary & Pensionary Contribution ? Amendment to G.O. Ms. No. 160, Fin. (FR.II) Dept., dt. 7-5-2010 - Orders issued.
G.O.Ms 228 Fin (Pen-I) Dept. 24-08-2012 Issue of Guidelines of Electronic Pension cum Provident Fund Final Withdrawal Application ? Orders - Issued.
G.O.Ms 151 Fin (Pen-I) Dept. 08-06-2012 PENSIONS - Payment of Gratuity - Permission to the Prl. Accountant General (A&E), Andhra Pradesh to authorize for payment of enhanced Gratuity to the Pensioners against whom the PPOs were already issued taking into account the Revised Dearness Allowance sanctioned to State Government employees subsequent to their retirement for which they are entitled ? Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 136 Fin (Pen-I) Dept. 29-06-2011 Death Relief - Relief in case of death of family pensioners ? Payment of death relief to the legal heirs of the Family Pensioner in case of demise of Family Pensioner ? Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 92 Fin (TFR) Dept. 13-05-2011 A.P.T.C. Vol.I ? S.R. 92 (C) ? T.R. 16 ? Certain - Amendment ? Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 51 Fin (Pen-I) Dept. 01-04-2011 PENSIONS ? Enhancement of maximum limit of Retirement Gratuity from Rs.7,00,000 to Rs. 8,00,000 - Orders - Issued.
Memo Memo. No. 16109/G1/2008-51 MAUD(G1)Dept. 23-06-2010 MA&UD Dept - payment of salaries and pension - Certain Clarification sought for by Audit Dept reg. pension  payment orders, gratuity payment orders, Commutation value of  pension orders - Clarification issued - Reg.
G.O.Ms 160 Fin (FR.II) Dept. 07-05-2010 Foreign Service Terms and Conditions - Recommendation of the 9th Pay Revised Commission relating to Non - Payment of Leave Salary & Pensionary Contribution ? Settlement of Pension in respect of State Government Employee ? Orders issued.
Cir.Memo Circular.Memo.No. 20928/264/PSC/2008 Fin (PSC) Dept. 18-12-2008 PENSIONS?Payment of First Pension/Gratuity/Commutation Value of Pension (New Cases only) at last Station where the Government Servant Retired ? Instructions ? Issued.
G.O.(P) 249 Fin (Pen-I) Dept. 04-10-2005 PENSIONS - Enhancement of Maximum limit of Retirement Gratuity from Rs. 2, 50,000 to Rs.3, 50,000/-- Orders - Issued.
G.O.(P) 250 Fin (Pen-I) Dept. 04-10-2005 Relief in case of death of pensioners in receipt of service pension ? Raised to a minimum of Rs.5, 000/- - Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Rt 1097 FIN & PLA  (F.W.PEN.I) DEPT. 22-06-2000 Pension ? Payment of Pensionary benefits to the Government Servants retired from service pending disciplinary action ? Action against the retired persons for their lapses ? Consolidated ? Orders ? Issued.