Doc. Type G.O./Cir./Memo No Dept./Section Date Abstract View
G.O.Ms 245 GA (SPF.I) DEPT 29-11-2024 General Administration (sPF.I) Department - P.O. 2018 - cabinet SubCommittee on issues relating to G.O.Ms.No.317, GA(SPF.1) Department' dated.O6.l2.2O2l and GO.Ms.No.46, G'A' (SPF'I) Department' dated 04.O4 .2022 - RePort and Recommendations Orders - Issued - Reg'
G.O.Ms 244 GA (SPF.I) DEPT 29-11-2024 General Administration (SPF.I) Department - p.O. 201g _ Cabinet SubCommittee on issues relating to G.O.Ms.No.317, GA(SPF.l) Department, dated.06. I2.2O2l and G.O.Ms.No.46, G.A. (SpF.l) Department, dated 04.O4 .2022 - Report and Recommendations Orders Issued - Reg.
G.O.Ms 87 Fin(HRM.I) Dept 31-07-2024 PUBLIC SERVICES ? Transfers and Postings of employees ? Ban on transfers of employees ? Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Rt 402 GA(SPF-I) Dept 19-02-2022 Presidential Order- 2018 ? Mutual Inter-Local Cadre Transfers ? Further Guidelines ? Orders - Issued.
Memo Memo.No.1655/SPF-I/2021-10 GA (SPF.I) Dept. 27-12-2021 Public Services-PO 2018 -Posting of employees to new Zonal/Multi-zonal cadres by Counceling
Circ.Memo .1655/5PF.l/2021-7 GA(SPF-I)Dept. 23-12-2021 Public Services - PO 2018 - Transfers and Postings ofemployees to new local cadres by Counselling - Reg
Memo 1655/SPF-I/2021-6 GA(SPF-I)Dept. 22-12-2021 PO 2018-Inter Local cadre transfer of Employees on spouse grounds-Guidelines-Issued-Req.
Memo 1665 ISPF-I I 2021-2 GA(SPF-I)Dept. 13-12-2021 : PO 2018 - Allotment of employees to new local cadres - Appointment of"Reporting Authority" for each Zone - Reg.
Memo 1655/SPF-1/2021-3 GA(SPF-I)Dept. 13-12-2021 PO-2018 - Allotment of employees to new local cadres - Furtherinstructions-Issued - Reg.
Circ.Memo 317 GA(SPF-I)Dept. 06-12-2021 The Telangana Public Employment (Organization of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order 2018 ? Organization of Local Cadres ? Allotment of persons holding posts required to be organized into local cadres ? Orders ? Issued.
Circ.Memo 1896/SPF-II/2021 GAD(SFP-II)Dept 09-09-2021 Establishment -no Objection for transfer to Andhara Pradesh on Permanent basis -instructions -issued Reg
G.O.Ms 37 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (SR) DEPARTMENT 31-03-2021 Establishment ? General Administration (SR) Dept., - Sending back class IIIand Class IV employees working in Government of Andhra Pradesh, who arelocal to TS opted to TS and allotted to AP, to the State of Telangana ?Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 33 GAD 08-02-2021 GAD - Implementation of 10% Reservation to the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) for admissions into Educational Institutions and for initial appointments to posts in services under the State ? Orders ? Issued
G.O.Ms 31 FINANCE (TFR) DEPT 07-04-2020 COVID -19 - Relief Operations ?Sanction of one time Chief Minster?s Special Incentive to certain categories of employees ? Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 81 FINANCE (HRM-I) DEPT 18-06-2018 PUBLIC SERVICES ? Transfers and postings of employees ? Ban on transfer of employees? Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 224 FINANCE (SMPC-I) DEPT 08-08-2013 FINANCE DEPARTMENT ? STATE AUDIT DEPARTMENT ? Gazetted Services ? Creation of one (1) post of Additional Director and three (3) posts of Joint Director by abolishing four Deputy Director Posts in the Directorate of State Audit Department ? Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 119 FIN (DCM-III) DEPT 17-05-2013 PUBLIC SERVICES ? Transfers and postings of employees ? Ban on transfer of employees? Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 100 FIN (DCM-I) DEPT 22-04-2013 PUBLIC SERVICES ? Transfers and postings of employees ? Lifting of ban on transfers ?Instructions/guidelines - Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 93 FINANCE (DCM-III) DEPT 14-05-2011 PUBLIC SERVICES ? Transfers and postings of employees ? Lifting of ban on transfers ? Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 179 G.A. (MC.I) Dept. 15-04-2011 General Administration Department - Monitoring Cell ? Agreement reached between the Telangana Joint Action Committee of Employees, Teachers and Workers ? Implementation of recommendations of Girglani Commission on Local bodies etc - Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 180 G.A. (MC.I) Dept. 15-04-2011 General Administration Department - Monitoring Cell ? Agreement reached between the Telangana Joint Action Committee of Employees, Teachers and Workers ? Fair Share Principle to be followed in appointments through deputation / transfer etc in certain offices - Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 600 G.A. (S.W.I) Dept. 04-02-2008 General Administration Department ? Service Welfare ? Strike call given by the Committee of Central, State Government Public Sector Employee, Teachers & Workers Andhra Pradesh against anti-employee policies of the Central Govet. on 30-10-2007 ? Regularization of the one day strike period treating as One Day Leave ? Considered ? Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 23 FIN (W&M) DEPT 23-01-2008 PUBLIC SERVICES ? Transfers and postings of employees ? Ban on transfer of employees ? Exemption of transfers into Scheduled Areas ? Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 100 FIN (W&M) DEPT 01-05-2007 Public Services ? Transfers and postings of employees ? Lifting of Ban on transfers ? Orders? Issued.
G.O.Ms Cir. Memo. No.18949-A/627/A2/W&M/2005-1, FIN (W&M) DEPT 03-08-2005 Establishment ? Transfer of employees ? Exemption of repatriations, deputations etc. from the purview of ban orders ? Certain clarification ? Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms Cir. Memo. No.18949-A/627/A2/W&M/2005 FIN (W&M) DEPT 19-07-2005 Establishment ? Transfer of employees ? Exemption of promotions from the purview of ban orders ? Certain clarification ? Orders ? Issued.
G.O.Ms 74 H M & F W (K1) Dept. 15-03-2005 AP Integrated Medical Attendance Rules,1972-Recommendations of the Committee for revision of the Rules-Accepted-Orders-Issued
Memo Memo.No.44041/Ser.A/97-1 GA(Ser.A)Dept. 04-06-1997 Public Services ? Transfers and postings of employees ? Lifting of Ban on transfers ? Orders? Issued.
G.O.Rt 455 FIN & Pla (W&M) DEPT 27-03-1997 Public Services - State and Sub-ordinate Services ? Ban on Transfers of employees ? Exemption to Adilabad District ? Orders ? Issued.