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G.O./Cir./Memo No |
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Abstract |
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G.O.Ms |
259 |
G.A. (Ser.A) Dept. |
30-08-2021 |
PUBLIC SERVICES ? State and Subordinate Services ? Prescription of minimum service for promotion/appointment by recruitment by transfer to next higher class, category or grade ? Ad-hoc Rule- issued. |
G.O.Ms |
3 |
G.A. (Ser.A) Dept. |
11-01-2020 |
Public services - state and subordinate services - stipuration of minimum service for promotion or appointment by transfer to next nigner catetory _ Adhoc Rule - Issued |
G.O.Ms |
230 |
G.A. (Ser.A) Dept. |
31-05-2014 |
PUBLIC SERVICES ? State and Subordinate Services ? Prescription of minimum service for promotion/appointment by recruitment by transfer to next higher class, category or grade ? Ad-hoc Rule annulled and re-issued. |
Cir Memo |
Circular Memo.No.10789/Ser.C/A2/2012-1 |
G.A. (Ser.C) Dept. |
09-04-2012 |
Public Services ? Personal Files ? Annual Confidential Report of Gazetted Officers/Non-Gazetted Officers ? Modified format ? Orders ? Issued ?Instructions reiterated - Regarding. |
G.O.Ms |
42 |
Dept. of W,C,D&SC(DW) |
19-10-2011 |
Department for Women, Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens ? Public Services ? Providing reservation in promotions to the Differently Abled employees - Orders ? Issued. |
Cir.Memo |
Cir.Memo.No.020091/125/PC.II/2011 |
Fin (PC.II)Dept |
17-08-2011 |
Public Services ? Revised Pay Scales, 2010 ? Modified Automatic Advancement Scheme ? Certain Clarifications ? Issued. |
G.O.Ms |
96 |
Fin (PC.II)Dept |
20-05-2011 |
Public Services ? Implementation of Automatic Advancement Scheme ? Modified Orders ? Issued. |
Cir.Memo |
Circular Memo.No.011382/63/PC-II/2009 |
Fin (PC.II)Dept |
17-11-2009 |
Public Services ? Automatic Advancement Scheme ? Fixation of Pay under F.R.31 (2) on Promotion after appointment to S.P.P.-II ? Clarification ? Issued. |
G.O.Ms |
748 |
G.A. (Ser.C) Dept. |
29-12-2008 |
Public Services ? Promotion to the higher posts ? Visually Handicapped employees ? Passing of Departmental Tests for promotion to next higher categories ? 5 years time allowed ? Orders ? Issued. |
G.O.Ms |
529 |
GA(Ser-C)Dept |
19-08-2008 |
promotion of the employees to the next higher category-further orders |
Memo.No.20606/Ser.D/2007, |
G.A. (Ser.D) Dept. |
25-10-2007 |
Public Services ? Preparation of list of approved candidates for promotion / appointment by transfer ? review of the panel ? Clarification ? instructions cancelled ? Orders ? Issued. |
G.O.Ms |
399 |
Finance (F.R.II) dept. |
18-11-2005 |
Fundamental Rules ? Fixation of pay on promotion to higher post after getting the benefits under Automatic Advancement Scheme ? Amendment to FR 22-B ? Orders ? Issued. |
G.O.(P) |
241 |
Fin (PC.II)Dept |
28-09-2005 |
Public Services ? Revision of Pay Scales, 2005 ? Automatic Advancement Scheme in the Revised Pay Scales, 2005 - Issued.Recommendations of Pay Revision Commission - Orders - |
G.O.Ms |
396 |
G.A. (DPC.1)) Dept. |
01-12-2004 |
Public Services ? Departmental Promotion Committees/ Screening Committees ? Preparation of panels for promotion to Gazetted posts ? Reconstituted ? Orders ? Issued. |
G.O.(P) |
150 |
Fin.Pla.(FW.PC.II)Dept |
01-09-1999 |
Public Services ? Revision of Pay Scales?1999 ? Automatic Advancement Scheme in the Revised Pay Scale?1999 ? Recommendations of Pay Revision Commission ? Orders ? Issued. |
G.O.Ms |
230 |
Fin.Pla.(FW.PC.I)Dept |
13-10-1995 |
Public Services ? Revision of Pay Scales, 1993 ? Fixation of pay in Revised Pay Scales, 1993 ? Further clarification ? Issued. |
G.O.(P) |
362 |
Fin.Pla.(FW.PC.II)Dept |
28-10-1994 |
Public Services ? Revised Pay Scales 1993 ? Automatic Advancement Scheme in the Revised Pay Scales 1993 ? Modified Scheme ? Implementation from 1-7-1992 ? Orders ? Issued. |
G.O.Ms |
351 |
Fin.Pla.(FW.PC.I)Dept |
15-10-1994 |
Public Service ? Revision of Pay Scales 1993 ? Fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales Clarification ? issued. |
G.O.(P) |
75 |
Fin.Pla.(FW.PC.II)Dept |
22-02-1994 |
PUBLIC SERVICES ? Automatic Advancement Scheme ? Anomaly of Junior drawing more pay than Senior promoted earlier ? Rectification of anomaly ? Orders ? Issued. |
G.O.Ms |
358 |
Fin.Pla.(FW.FR.II)Dept |
25-10-1993 |
Fundamental Rules ? fixation of pay on promotion to higher post after getting the benefits under Automatic Advancement Scheme ? Amendment to F.R. 22-B ? Orders ? Issued. |
G.O.(P) |
290 |
Fin.Pla.(FW.PC.II)Dept |
22-07-1993 |
Public Services-Revised Scales of Pay 1993-Automatic Advancement Scheme in the revised Scales of Pay 1993 ? Recommendations of the Pay Revision Commissioner ? Orders ? Issued. |
G.O.Ms |
133 |
Fin.Pla.(FW.PC.II)Dept |
08-04-1993 |
PUBLIC SERVICES ? Revision of Pay Scales ? Automatic Advancement Scheme in the Revised Pay Scales of 1986 in respect of Teachers ? Modification ? Orders ? Issued. |
G.O.(P) |
2 |
Fin.Pla.(FW.PRC.I)Dept |
04-01-1988 |
PUBLIC SERVICES ? Revised Scales of pay 1986 ? Automatic Advancement Scheme in the Revised Scales of Pay 1986 Recommendations of the pay Revision Commissioner ? Orders ? Issued. |
G.O.Ms |
266 |
G.A. (Ser.C) Dept. |
25-05-1981 |
PUBLIC SERVICES ? Adhoc or special promotion on completion of 15 years of service ?Adhoc Rule ? Issued |
G.O.Ms |
117 |
Fin.Pla.(F.W.P.R.C.-I)Dept |
25-05-1981 |
PUBLIC SERVICES ? Creation of Special Grades to employees who have completed 10 years of service and Special Temporary Promotion Posts / Special Adhoc Promotion posts for the employees who have completed 15 years of service ? Orders ? Issued. |